Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Vol. 15 No. 13

Dear Friend,

The following words offered to graduating seniors recently express three priorities of our purpose as followers of Jesus Christ.  Allow these words to guide your own life and relationships.

Hold on to the God who leads you.

            Keep on trusting Jesus Christ.
            Read a portion of the Bible each day.
            Pray daily concerning the things on your heart.

Hold on to the church that feeds you;

Commit yourself to a church that teaches clearly from the Bible and that consistently invites you and helps you to follow Jesus Christ.
 Be in worship every week you are physically able to attend.
 Join a fellowship group or service opportunity with other believers in which you are known by name and encouraged in your faith.

Hold on to the world that needs you.

See yourself as sent into the world in all humility as a person who speaks and acts on        behalf of Jesus Christ in your home, your school, your workplace, and your   community.

Joy to you - 
E. Stanley Ott                                 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Vol. 15 No. 12

Dear Friend,

On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus Christ some fifty days after the resurrection.

Consider the words of the apostle Paul, "...be filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18 NIV) and notice four things about the verb "be filled".

Be filled is in the imperative, meaning it is a command. It is God's will we be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Be filled is a plural verb in the Greek, meaning, we are all to be filled, that every follower of Christ is to be filled.

Be filled is in the present tense, meaning we are all to be filled with the Holy Spirit right now and every now.

Be filled is in the passive form meaning we do not do it, it must be done us. We do
not fill ourselves with the Holy Spirit, we allow Him to fill us.

Open yourself to the filling and work of the Holy Spirit in your life this day.  Confess your  sin and trust the Spirit to forgive you, fill you, love you and lead you this day.

Joy to you - 
E. Stanley Ott     

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Vol. 15 No. 11

Dear Friend,

Consider the final words of the Lord's Prayer: "For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen."

Every time we pray it, we re-affirm our conviction that our God is indeed a God of power.

God's infinite power means that God is infinitely capable. He can do anything he wants to do.

"Now unto him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us" said the Apostle Paul (Ephesians 3:20).

God uses his power to lead us to Jesus Christ, to shepherd and sustain us, to guard us, and to take us to heaven.

He uses his power to bless us because he loves us and we love him.

            "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him;
            I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
            He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble,
            I will deliver him and honor him.
            With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation"(Ps. 91:14-16 NIV).

Call upon His name.
            Trust Him to work in your life with his mighty power.
                        Expect him to do more in your life than you ask or even imagine.

Joy to you - 
E. Stanley Ott                                 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Vol. 15 No. 10

Dear Friend,

In this season of football playoffs, you can tune in and watch exceedingly strong men tossing each other around like so many toothpicks. Their strength is remarkable.

Consider the various kinds of strength people have in addition to the strength of their physical bodies:
            strength of character,
                        strength of will,
                                    and strength of conviction.

We have many kinds of strength,  yet we also know there are times and situations that appear to demand more strength from us than we  have to give.

David wrote, "He [God] rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me" (Ps.18:17 NIV).

God helps those who cannot help themselves!

That is grace.

After God delivered David from his enemies, David sang, "It is God who arms me with strength" (2 Samuel 22:33 NIV).

Trust God to arm you with strength and to sustain and guide you through every situation of your life.

Take a moment to offer to the Lord the strength you do have as your means of serving Him.

Trust Him to serve you and supply you with His strength according to your need.

Joy to you -
E. Stanley Ott        

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Vol. 15 No. 9

Dear Friend,

Sometimes we love changes in life... a newborn baby, a new season, a new friend.

At other times we dislike change... something becomes different about a friend or our home or work or church that we preferred the way it was before.

We embrace the changes we choose for our own lives... a re-decorated room, a new hair style, a new car.

We easily resent changes that someone else chooses for us, that is imposed upon us, such as a change in work schedule, a new house chore, or the way something is done in our church.

We tend to experience imposed change as loss, the loss of something or someone we liked. We grieve. Sometimes we are angry about it.

Consider this: our God is a God of change... not change for its own sake but change that builds life, the changes that growth must bring, the changes that accompany anything new.

Be alert to the changes God is bringing or wants to bring into your life.

In all humility, invite Jesus Christ to work in your life, allow Him, in fact to implore Him to bring about those changes in your life that will enable you to better love and serve Him.

Joy to you - 
E. Stanley Ott