E. Stanley Ott – Founder and President
As President of the Vital Churches Institute (VCI), Stan's passion is the transformation of the mainline church. Stan teaches the principles of congregational vitality, transformation, missional endeavor, and leadership. His impact reaches thousands of folks throughout US and abroad through the Acts 16:5 Initiative, his published writing and his teaching engagements.
As pastor, Stan has over thirty years of first-hand knowledge of the hard work and challenges that lead to the blessings of being a transformational congregation that moves to new vitality.
Stan's Publications include:
- "Twelve Dynamic Shifts for Transforming Your Church" (Eerdmans)
- "Transform Your Church with Ministry Teams"(Eerdmans)
- "The Vibrant Church: A People Building Plan for Congregational Health" (Regal)
- "The Joy of Discipling: Friend with Friend and Heart with Heart" (Zondervan)
- Vision for a Vital Church (Vital Churches Institute)
- Small Group Life (Vital Churches Institute)
Contact: Stan@vitalchurches.com
Chris Bullock - Coach and Consultant
Chris has a heart for transforming Presbyterian churches in the 21st Century. He is currently serving as Co-Pastor with his wife, Karen, at Central Presbyterian Church, in Midtown, Mobile, Alabama. He has worked with Acts 16:5 in the Presbytery of Mississippi and is helping lead Acts 16% in the Florida Presbytery starting this spring.
Contact: rev.chrisbullock@yahoo.com
Kathi Busch - Coach and Consultant
Kathi's passion is developing leaders who model being the Church, the Body of Christ, the physical presence of Jesus in the world today. As the pastor of a church on the way to being a transformational ministry, Kathi has practiced the principles of the Acts 16:5 Initiative for more than 10 years. During her term as Moderator of New Castle Presbytery, she was instrumental in encouraging the presbytery to adopt the Acts 16:5 Initiative as their process for church transformation. Ministry is Kathi's fourth career, after piano teacher and church musician, mom and insurance sales. She thinks this one is going to stick! Kathi holds a Bachelor of Music and Master of Divinity degrees.
Chris Bullock - Coach and Consultant
Chris has a heart for transforming Presbyterian churches in the 21st Century. He is currently serving as Co-Pastor with his wife, Karen, at Central Presbyterian Church, in Midtown, Mobile, Alabama. He has worked with Acts 16:5 in the Presbytery of Mississippi and is helping lead Acts 16% in the Florida Presbytery starting this spring.
Kathi Busch - Coach and Consultant

Contact: revkathi1@comcast.net
Scott Castleman - Coach and Constultant
Scott loves the church. His committment is to see the church reflect the vitality, energy, and growth that God's kingdom brings with it. Scott has seen the principles of the Acts 16:5 Initiative impact his ministry and bring growth in both depth and breadth where he has served on the Katrina recovering Gulf Coast of Mississippi. Scott is a third generation Presbyterian pastor with a bachelors degree in biblical studies from Belhaven University. Scott received his Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2006, which he attended after a time of study at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, FL.
contact: scott.fpos@gmail.com
Steve Ebling – Coach and Consultant
Steve's passion is to help people and congregations grow into the disciples Christ is calling them to be. Currently, he is leading an Acts 16:5 Initiative team in the Presbytery of Whitewater Valley. He has served churches in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana for over twenty years as an Associate and Senior Pastor. Steve holds a Bachelor of Science degree, a Master of Divinity and Doctorate of Divinity degree.
Contact: Steve@vitalchurches.com
Contact: Steve@vitalchurches.com
Anne Clifton Herbert – Coach and Consultant
Anne has over twenty years of experience serving churches in Oklahoma, Michigan, New York and Texas. Developing pastors and teams as Christ-centered leaders is where her heart is. She believes the vitality of the local church is God's hope for the world. Anne has great personal experience leading her congregation through the Acts 16:5 Initiative and enjoys leading other churches through the process. She has been a key player in helping those at the Presbytery level envision a new future with the essentials of transformation. Anne holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and a Master of Divinity degree.
Contact: Anne@vitalchurches.com
Linda Jaberg – Coach and Consultant
Linda has extensive experience in serving the local church and building bridges in the surrounding community. She has served churches in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Florida. Having held a variety of leadership positions, Linda has had a profound influence, especially on children. Linda knows participating in the Acts 16:5 Initiative is key to the successful transition that her church is going through. Having experienced and resolved the conflict within the church leadership; the congregation is now positioned for spiritual renewal and new growth. With more than thirty years in ministry, Linda is well-prepared to guide church leaders desiring transformation. Linda holds a Bachelor of Arts in History with a Minor in Secondary Education and a Master of Divinity degree with an emphasis in Pastoral Care.
Contact: linda@vitalchurches.com
Contact: linda@vitalchurches.com
Dale Patterson - Coach and Consultant
Dale has several years working in the world of sales and marketing with Fortune 500 companies. He has over twenty-eight years of experience in large and small congregations including New Church Development. Dale's heart is bringing the message of refreshment and the invigorating hope of Christ-centered living to the many in our communities who are disenfranchised from the church. He is an experienced pastor in leading a congregation with the concepts of the Acts 16:5 Initiative. Dale writes the blog www.faithfulcurmudgeon.comand a daily e-devotional, Enjoy Life, Enjoy God. Dale is also the author of In the Snare of the Fowler.