Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Getting Ready

Building One Another -  Vol 12 No 28

Dear Friend,
A lot of the country has already experienced severe winter weather and the season is barely underway. How did you go about preparing for an event you knew was coming?
in getting ready for winter, my mind runs through a quick checklist.
                Are the hoses coiled and indoors?
                Are the outside faucets turned off?
                Has the deck furniture been stacked?
                Is salt or its equivalent ready in case of ice?
                Does the car have an ice scraper?
 The season before Christmas, known as Advent, is a season of preparation – a time of getting ready.
 So we have some version of another mental checklist.
                 Is my/our home decorated?                 Do we know what events I/we will attend or host?                 Have I/we obtained gifts for Christmas?

Advent is especially the time to prepare our hearts. “Let every heart prepare him room!”
Spend some time alone this busy season. Prepare yourself, get ready, to open your heart more widely to Jesus. Focus your mind on this Lord who loves you. Acknowledge and confess your sin and rely on our Lord’s forgiveness and cleansing. Formally offer room in your heart to him. 
Make Worship with God’s people a priority.  Allow the joyful music of the season and the power of our Lord’s Word to speak to your deepest heart – and share that heart with the Lord who shares his heart with you! 
“Come thou long expected Jesus” – E. Stanley OttCopyright 2013 E. Stanley Ott